Friday, July 10, 2009

We're gone - But will never be forgotten!


StatlerAndWaldorf said...

Not that there's any shortage of candidates, but how about Parameter Security?

secreview said...

StatlerAndWaldorf, no problem give us some time to get the ball rolling again first.

Anonymous said...

Please review ID Analytics. They're the most involved in the TD Ameritrade Identity Theft breach cover-up.
Please also review Mandiant.

Although you remain anonymous, if you could post your credentials, that would still be somewhat useful.

Oh, and wouldn't it be useful to include the automated systems for comparison, i.e. HackerSafe (now part of McAfee) which has problems galore, and competitors like Trust-Guard and Comodo HackerProof.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I was wondering how we can contact you. Is secreview@hushmail your email? Thank you

secreview said...

Hi Anonymous. The best way for you to contact the team is to leave a comment on the blog. We stay anonymous for a variety of reasons and that means that our email address changes frequently.